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FARO Software Solutions SLP Catalogue

The price list below represents a full catalogue of the products offered by FARO Software Solutions LLC for the California Software License Program (SLP).  These products have been competitively discounted for government clients nationally, and further discounted for California to demonstrate FARO Software Solutions LLC’s commitment to the State and the California’s negotiating leverage as the largest state in the U.S.


The solutions offered are organized into three families of cloud based, software as a service (Saas) licensed products, where customers subscribe annually to avoid large upfront commitments.  The Lighthouse catalogue showcases all the base products that allow the FARO Software Solutions LLC framework to work effectively by providing a common integration model and user toolset.  The Compass catalogue features a growing list of functional cloud applications offered to meet various business scenarios presented by Government clients.  The Cardinal catalogue reflects the enterprise support services that enrich the cloud application experience by either connecting the Compass cloud application to external sources or adding additional productized capability to the suite.  Every product offered is technically scalable and expandable in the license model.  FARO Software Solutions LLC also offers deployment assistance services through a competitive residency model to facilitate implementation.

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